Doritos, dare!
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- Doritos
At Noto, we're one step ahead (and love guacamole).
To prove it, we set out to get to one of our favourite brands by doing our best: shaking them up and down. So we sat down to think.
The result: a great job of contextualisation, research, conceptualisation, and production of an ad hoc and production of an ad hoc campaign in 5 days within the reach of a few.
If you scroll down, we'll summarise it for you little by little…
We strategically analyzed the brand's communication style in its latest campaigns: what it says, what it does, and how it does it.
We realised we had a powerful creative territory that fit perfectly with the target audience we wanted to impact: Generation Z.
But we didn't stop there; we went a little crazier and thought of a different action with the purpose of being memorable.
To your right, we'll tell you a little more.
Wherever you go, speak as you please. We adjusted the campaign's tone to the irreverent and daring style the brand has accustomed us to.
We spoke without mincing words, focusing on speaking like young people to attract attention. The first achievement was to avoid saying crush, bae, aesthetic, and ghost.
We define this territory as the one that will impact the streaming/gaming universe, a segment where the brand has a powerful reach.
I feel you, bro. We researched the primary needs of gamers to find a powerful insight and get good ideas.
Our goal was to attract attention, so we wanted to go further and add value to the campaign and the brand.
We focused on finding a creative concept and a ground-breaking action that would not leave that would not leave anyone indifferent and would have a relevant impact on the streaming world.
The video game market in Spain is worth almost 2,000 million euros. In addition, streaming platform consumption has skyrocketed in recent years.
In fact, 18% of Spanish gamers prefer to watch other players' games rather than play themselves. Obviously, we are also better at watching Messi highlights than playing a pachanga.
(We have googled all this, it is not an invention).
It is not the same. A woman has more difficulties than a man when it comes to getting in front of the camera and starting a live show. Look at the data.
Out of every 100 euros generated on Twitch as a whole, only 5 are earned by female content creators. It doesn't seem very fair.
Over 35% of streamers are women, but only 3 are among the 100 highest-paid in the world. Do you get it? We don't.
To make matters worse, female streamers struggle to make their way on a highly masculinised platform, where they are sometimes harassed and sexualised.
You don't have to be an expert to go from insight to campaign idea.
It's easy: if women streamers have no visibility and we want to do something memorable with a brand present in the industry... we do it!
Our objective: to come up with a fresh concept that would help us express that women are more empowered than ever.
¿Cómo definiría un Z un acto de determinación femenino? Eso es a lo que intentábamos llegar un martes por la tarde.
Finalmente dimos con un concepto que encajaba perfectamente con lo que queríamos expresar. Te lo contamos un pelín más abajo, no pares ahora.
Not even Thomas Edison dared to do that. We realised that the triangular shape of a Dorito could help us give the message more context.
It fits so well… They call this a Eureka moment and it's usually represented by a light bulb over the head. We got the idea!
Why do we call it that? We invite Doritos to experience a unique and immersive journey through our creative process.
Well, because of that and because it sounds much better in English.
We manage to surprise the client by taking him from the physical to the virtual.
Having pastry experts on the team has these things: we revolutionise gamer gastronomy with a couple of tweaks.
We put together a nice box and sent the agency's copywriter to deliver it urgently. Luckily, the package arrived in one piece.
Together with NoWords, we made the little box a link in itself and could be scanned. As you read it... we live in 2052!
The scan led to a landing page, where the experience began: a presentation of the campaign that would be activated seven days later—a wonderful play full of hype.

No lights, no cameras, just action. To make life even more complicated, we devised the idea of making a script on a Din A3 and opening Premiere.
We presented the creative concept with an almost 2-minute video: a journey through the women who have changed the way we express ourselves today.
All good things come to an end. After the video, we automatically opened the presentation, which explained the whole strategic process.
We left nothing in the inkwell (or on the keyboard). From insight to execution, everything was perfectly argued and explained.

Hi Ibai! What to tell you… we want to hack you the Evening of the Year IV to give visibility to women and a new eSports team that will serve co*o.
That and that in each bag of Doritos we will put some virtual stickers to collect.
Oh, we forgot... when you finish the presentation, you receive them by whats.
We wanted to make a big mess, but it didn't happen. Maybe it was because of some brands' fear of success or because it wasn't our time.
The fact is that here we leave you the materialisation of the campaign that never was. You can call us, copy the idea, or laugh for a while (please let it be the first one).